Study for Change of Woody Vegetation in Quercus mongolica Forest, Mt. Myeonbong


Byeong Joo Park1, Jun Gi Byeon1, Huwanbin2, Butoto Imani Wa Rusaati2, KwangIl Cheon3*


This study was conducted to analyze stand dynamics of long term monitoring sites in Mt. myeonbong.
Study site, made up of 100 subplots (10×10 m, 1 ha) was constructed and there were measured Diameter at Breast Height (DBH, ≧2 cm), height and spatial coordinates for woody plants in study site. DBH distribution was inverse J shape, and 2~6 cm DBH class of trees were increased pattern.
Basal area (m2/ha) were became from 33.22 m2/ha (2014) to 34.25m2/ha (2018) and spatial distributions of major species were resulted in clumped distribution.

Results of importance percentage, Quercus mongolica and Pinus densiflora dominated in upper layer were being decreased, however Fraxinus sieboldiana, composed mostly of middle layers were the opposite result.


Forest dynamics, Long term ecological monitoring, Stand structure


Publisher  Journal of Agriculture & Life Science

Publised date  Mar 23rd, 2020

Views  1796

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Publisher  Korea Multimedia Society

Publised date  Dec 24th, 2019

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Publisher  Korea Multimedia Society

Publised date  Dec 24th, 2019

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Publisher  MITA2016

Publised date  Dec 24th, 2019

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